If you are unsure which division is appropriate for your child, please contact cachecreeksoftball@gmail.com for further assistance.
Playing Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Program Times: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Softball Field Location: Cache Creek Park
Parents are an active part of the U7 program
All team schedules will be posted on the website under specific Age Divisions link
Each child will be issued a jersey for the season
The last scheduled day will be a “FUN DAY” - incorporating learned skills and rewarding each child for his/her participation
Required equipment: ball glove, running shoes or softball cleats (no metal cleats). Coaches are provided with a limited number of batting helmets, it is optional if parents want to purchase a helmet with softball face mask for your child
To introduce Softball at a much faster pace, to keep the children active and engaged
To promote interest in the game and to develop sportsmanship
To introduce the basics of softball: throwing, catching, hitting, and running
Game Structure:
Games will be played at the discretion of the coaches
A tee will be used to develop hand-eye coordination for the development of batting skills
“Outs” will not be called at this level
There is no scorekeeping, as the focus is more on skill introduction and having FUN in a team environment